Vajza dhe qeni balerinë po çmendin rrjetin me këto foto

Mësmi i baletit nuk ka qenë i vëshitirë për këtë qen dhe mësuesja e tij është 9-vjeçarja Maria Palkina. Skenat janë kapur nga fotografi rus Andrey Seliverstov: “Nuk është e lehtë ti fotografosh të dy përnjëherë, vajzën dhe qenin.” Ndërsa Maria ishte shumë e lumtur që u përgjegj të ishte pjesë e këtij sti fotografik. “Unë jam kaq me fat që jam pjesë e kësaj,”-ka thënë ajo. “Andrey arriti që të shfaqte dy gjëra që pa të cilat unë nuk do të mund të jetoja, baletin dhe qenin.”

*** MANDATORY BYLINE *** Pic by Andrey Seliverstov / Caters News (PICTURED: Nine year old Maria Palkina dancing with dogs.) This beautiful set of images capture the moment a young ballet dancer interacts with her four-legged friends against a stunning woodland backdrop. The enchanted photos were taken by Andrey Seliverstov, 59 from Saint Petersburg, Russia. He captured the scenes of nine-year-old Maria Palkina and her canine friends after being inspired by famous artists. SEE CATERS COPY

*** MANDATORY BYLINE *** Pic by Andrey Seliverstov / Caters News (PICTURED: Nine year old Maria Palkina dancing with dogs.) This beautiful set of images capture the moment a young ballet dancer interacts with her four-legged friends against a stunning woodland backdrop. The enchanted photos were taken by Andrey Seliverstov, 59 from Saint Petersburg, Russia. He captured the scenes of nine-year-old Maria Palkina and her canine friends after being inspired by famous artists. SEE CATERS COPY

*** MANDATORY BYLINE *** Pic by Andrey Seliverstov / Caters News (PICTURED: Nine year old Maria Palkina dancing with dogs.) This beautiful set of images capture the moment a young ballet dancer interacts with her four-legged friends against a stunning woodland backdrop. The enchanted photos were taken by Andrey Seliverstov, 59 from Saint Petersburg, Russia. He captured the scenes of nine-year-old Maria Palkina and her canine friends after being inspired by famous artists. SEE CATERS COPYi ba

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